Best 5 Android Games October 2021

Ryuko - Legend of Shadow Hunter 
Carve shadow fighter's path to vengeance in an unmatched adventure to end injustice. The darkness of Kurome destroyed what your clan tried to protect at the cost of their lives. Only one strongest shadow legend, Ryuko, has survived.
A very bleak, twisted, focused and most importantly, challenging experience.
Explore the journey of brave shadow hunter who returned after 20 years of exile, in one of the best third person action RPG Japanese role playing game.

Identity Forwarded
Identity Forwarded is an action RPG that takes place in a large open world, in which you can explore, steal cars, use guns and generally get up to mischief. However, if your character dies you’ll be reincarnated as someone/something else, with your new reincarnation being chosen based on your actions, karma and interests from the last life.
Forwarding of your identity to the new reincarnation means that your new character will inherit some of the skills and abilities from previous lives. It also means that if you’ve caused bad karma in one life then your next one is going to suck – either by reincarnating you as a loser or a lowly animal. Your eventual goal is to become reincarnated as God, giving you access to the GOD Mode and allowing you to have lots of fun with the quirky low poly city.

Sclerosis: The Dark Descent
This application are not in any way associated with Frictional Games and is completely a hobbyist project. This application does NOT distribute any game data or other copyrighted content not owned by the author. You MUST own a legal copy of Amnesia: The Dark Descent before you can play Sclerosis. I do NOT support nor condone pirated versions of Amnesia. All textures, models, designs, sounds and music reproduced in screenshots and videos are the property of Frictional Games unless otherwise specified.

Your goal is to control a rolling ball. You cannot do it directly. You can only build a track for it, in real time.
No ADs or annoying microtransactions.
Complete 59 hand-crafted levels of varying difficulty.
From portals to deadly laser beams - overcome newer and newer obstacles by using diverse tools and creative thinking.

Northgard è un gioco strategico basato sulla mitologia nordica, dove controllerai un clan di vichinghi in lotta per il controllo di un nuovo continente appena scoperto.
Dopo anni di costanti esplorazioni, i coraggiosi vichinghi hanno scoperto una nuova terra piena di misteri, pericoli e ricchezze: NORTHGARD
Gli audaci uomini del nord salpano per esplorare e conquistare queste nuove coste, portare fama al proprio clan e scrivere la storia attraverso conquiste, negoziazioni o devozione agli dei.
Tutto ciò, se riusciranno a sopravvivere ai terribili lupi e ai guerrieri non-morti che vagano per le terre, stringere alleanze o sconfiggere i giganti e sopravvivere agli inverni più rigidi mai visti al nord.

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